I am a bargain hunter! I love to find the BEST deals, as I'm sure most teachers do. So I decided to compile a list of 10 Money Saving Tips to help you during the next
TPT site-wide SALE!

1. Earn TPT credits
Teachers can use TPT credits to purchase items. You can earn these credits for FREE simply by leaving feedback on previous purchases. Before the sale starts go to My TPT> My Purchases> Sort by: "Needs Feedback". Here you can leave feedback on all your previous purchases. As you leave feedback you will earn 1 credit for every dollar spent. YES, TPT rounds up! For every 20 credits you will earn $1 in FREE product! I do this the day before the sale so I know how many credits I have to work with.

2. Look for Promotional Giveaways
Many TPT stores will have promotional giveaways the day before a sale. These can range from $10-$100 depending on the number of teachers doing the promotion. WARNING: The higher the giveaway the more competitive. But the way I see it is someone is going to WIN and if I don't enter it definitely won't be me. These giveaways are usually the day before and sometimes even the first day of the sale.

3. Stores That Offer a 20% Off Sale
During a TPT sale you can save UP TO 25%. The majority of this discount is through individual stores offering a 20% discount on their products. You need to pay attention however since some stores do not offer this discount or offer a lower discount. You may also notice that only certain products are on sale. Make sure you know before you buy to get the best deal possible.
4. TPT Discount Code
Every sale has a TPT code that can be entered at checkout. The discount code will be located at the top of your screen. This code will save you an additional 5% from TPT. It's not a lot but it can add up quick and it's additional savings that takes 10 seconds to enter.
5. Bundles
This tip is the BIGGEST money SAVER! As you are shopping around don't forget to see if your favorite store or that product on your wish list is in a bundle. I love buying bundles during a site-wide sale. Bundles are AMAZING because they offer several products at a discounted price. On top of that some sellers will also include bundles in their sale discounting them an additional 20%. Finally, use the sale code at checkout and it's an additional 5% off. All these savings could mean you save over 50% off the items purchased individually. THAT'S INCREDIBLE!!!

6. Follow your Favorite Stores
Have you found a line of products you absolutely LOVE during the sale? Make sure you follow their store. Often times sellers will offer discounts, promotions, freebies, and sales throughout the year allowing you to save even more money. While your at it here's a BONUS TIP: Make sure you are getting the weekly TPT emails full of FREEBIES and other great products. You can update this information by going to My Account> Email Preferences.
7. Email Sellers
If you have any questions or comments about a product make sure you email the seller. Sellers love to hear from their customers and can often times direct you to the best values in their stores. Also you might just get FREE products by helping an author fix mistakes, improve their products, or giving relevant feedback.
8. Check Updates
If you have bought products in the past make sure you check to see if there are any new updates to the products (especially bundles). You can find updates by clicking on My TPT> My Purchases> Sort By: "Recently Revised". Here you can download for FREE the newest updates to all your purchases. Sometimes these updates are HUGE!!! Especially if you have purchased growing bundles where entire products are added every year.

9. Multiple License Discount
Work together with your school and district team members to buy digital licenses at discounted prices. Most stores off 10% off for additional licenses, but this can be more. By splitting the savings you can save a little bit on each and every purchase. Look for "Buy Additional Licenses" under the purchase price. After clicking a pop-up window will appear and you can enter how many additional licenses are needed. The pop-up window will show you a break-down of the total price and savings.
10. TPT for Schools
Many schools are encouraging teachers to use quality resources they find on TPT. If you are lucky enough to have a principal who lets you use school funds on TPT, you can set up a FREE school account where your purchases will be billed to the school or district. This is a great way for teachers to get the most relevant research based materials into their classroom quickly and efficiently. You can access your school account by clicking the school tab in the upper right hand corner of the homepage.

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