Election Day is almost here and there has been a lot of buzz in the media about the presidential election this year. No doubt, your primary age children have seen and heard what’s going on in politics- but don’t understand it. You can make it easier for them to understand with a few simple activities.
Number 1: Books
There are so many great books on the election system that are written on a primary level. Some examples of great books are:
Duck for President
The Berenstain Bear’s and the Big Election
Amelia Bedelia’s First Vote
Number 2: Class Vote
Run your own class election. Students will make presidential Candidate Posters, write speeches and cast votes on a ballot. This mock election is a great way for students to get involved and learn hands-on what an election means and how to take part in one on their own.
Number 3: Vocabulary Cards
There is a lot of difficult vocabulary heard around election time. Helping students build background of the vocabulary they are hearing is a great way to help them understand the election. Words such as ballot, booths, election, campaign, and other words can make it confusing and students stop listening to understand when they hear a word they are unfamiliar with. Exposing students to these words and letting them play games using these words will help them build a vocabulary that will understand the election.
If you are looking for resources to teach on Election Day you can find all three of these activities and more in my book study unit, “Duck for President”. Enjoy!